25h.cloud – The app for the mobile employee!Appealing design , easy handling and less time on the road. This distinguishes 25h.cloud !Planning, working and execute your visits! 25h.cloud offers you all possibilities to handle your life!
What does that mean:
- Planning - optimize time frames - fill calendar with potentials - ambit- and corridor search - date- time proposals for visits
- Working - work in your calendar - edit your customer - analyse your customer - map integration
- Execute - overview of your day - navigation assistance - visitation report - actual dashboard
Furthermore there are more features that assist you in organizing your day:Ambit SearchFind your customer around you! A visit got cancelled or you have some spare time…25h.cloud finds your potentials around you!
Corridor searchfind your customer on the way!The corridor visualizes you the customer on your way and offers you the best potential for your route!25h.cloud leads you to more turnover beside the road.
Time frame optimizationOrganize your own calendar! Whether in compliance with alreadyexisting deadlines, priorities or deadlinesCampaigns and nights …
25h.cloud helps you to organize your calendar!
Fill your calendarYou do have free time and you want to visit the most interesting customer?
25h.cloud offers you the possibility to fill your calendar with the geographically and potentially best possible customer.
Organize yourself and register at http://www.actgmbh.net!